Tools for Estimating Benefits of Bicycle Count Data
Madeline Brozen | Tulsi Patel|Karla Kingsley|Mike Aronson
This white paper identifies potential relationships between improved bicycle count data and travel demand modeling in the Los Angeles region. A number of tools for estimating benefits of bicycle travel, separate from regional travel demand models, are summarized. Finally, additional considerations for estimating benefits on the Los Angeles region are listed. We do not provide for development of a specific methodology, but provide resources for methodologies that could be implemented.
Improved bicycle count data in the Los Angeles region will provide certain benefits for travel demand modeling. It will be some time before the bicycle data is comprehensive enough to fully inform a travel model calibration representing all decisions related to bicycle travel. However, focused bicycle count data at a specific cordon, screenline or activity center could be used to calibrate models to represent special circumstances influencing bicycle travel (for example, at a college) or to provide model validation targets at a specific geographic location.