Planning for Kids: Educating and Engaging Elementary School Students in Urban Planning and Urban Design ToolKit

Student Work
Alvin-Christian Nuval
October 2019

While conducting research for his capstone, Alvin-Christian Nuval found that there were not a lot of resources available to teachers, parents, and educators to help introduce planning concepts to younger children. Much of what was described in literature had focused mainly on older youth who were generally students in middle school or high school. Having previously worked with elementary school-aged student populations before, Nuval wanted to make it easier for anybody who wanted to talk to a young child about urban planning to find tools such as relevant books, television episodes, and movies that covered basic planning themes. Through his research, he had the privilege of being able to watch and read all of the children’s media included in this toolkit. In addition to a short description of each media, Nuval has included example questions that could be used to provoke discussion.