Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts in Cudahy: Results from Automated Counts in 2013-2014


Herbie Huff | Madeline Brozen | Norman Wong | Diana Benitez

January 2014

Although ~17% of all trips in the Los Angeles region are made by foot or bike, and 40% of all roadway fatalities in Los Angeles County are people walking or riding bicycles, historically, traffic monitoring has focused exclusively on cars.
Bicycle and pedestrian counts enable these modes to be considered on equal footing with driving, and enable robust understanding of costs, benefits, behavior, and more. In September 2014, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) loaned counting devices to the City of Cudahy to automatically count the levels of walking and cycling at selected locations. The City is currently developing its first Safe Routes to School Plan, funded by DPH. The resulting data provide an understanding of the number of people walking and cycling in Carson, and the distribution of that activity. These data are crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of walking and cycling infrastructure and safety investments in Cudahy. In addition, conducting counts, collecting and sharing the data contributes to a growing body of bicycle and pedestrian count data in the Los Angeles region.