Advancing Shade and Lighting Equity at Bus Stops in Los Angeles

Student Work
Monisha Reginald
November 2024

Across Los Angeles, sufficient shade at bus stops is crucial for protecting transit riders from extreme heat during the day, and adequate lighting is vital for ensuring riders’ safety at night. While bus shelters are physical infrastructure that can provide both shade and lighting, many bus stops across Los Angeles have been left without such shelters. Historically, the Los Angeles Bureau of Streets Services (StreetsLA) has provided shelters through advertising contracts that prioritize locations with high advertisement value over locations that need shelters most. As a result, many transit riders are left vulnerable to extreme heat and safety concerns.

StreetsLA’s new Sidewalk and Transit Amenities Program (STAP) seeks to change the current situation by increasing the overall number of bus shelters. However, there are numerous constraints like narrow sidewalks can prevent bus shelters in the most high-priority stops.

To address these knowledge gaps, this project assessed the adequacy of shade and lighting at bus stops across Los Angeles, the alignment between the current locations of bus shelters and priority bus stops, and the magnitude and spatial distribution of site constraints that complicate the installation of bus shelters.