Increasing Equity in LA’s New Street Vending Permit Program to Increase Quality of Life for Vendors


This research aims to understand how the rules and regulations of the Los Angeles ordinance affect current street vendors by deploying three methods: participant observation, mapping, and comparative study.

Increasing Equity in LA’s New Street Vending Permit Program to Increase Quality of Life for Vendors2025-01-07T00:27:12-07:00

Increasing Equity in LA’s New Street Vending Permit Program to Increase Quality of Life for Vendors Brief


This research aims to understand how the rules and regulations of the Los Angeles ordinance affect current street vendors by deploying three methods: participant observation, mapping, and comparative study.

Increasing Equity in LA’s New Street Vending Permit Program to Increase Quality of Life for Vendors Brief2025-01-07T00:27:09-07:00

Revolutionizing Community Under the Red Umbrella: Intersectional Inquiry with Sex Workers on Protective Factors in Los Angeles, CA


This paper explores the hindrances that social work navigates by its alignment to the state as an agent of social control and its potential for engagement with criminalized communities.

Revolutionizing Community Under the Red Umbrella: Intersectional Inquiry with Sex Workers on Protective Factors in Los Angeles, CA2025-01-07T00:26:54-07:00

COVID-19 Impacts on Los Angeles Based Community Development Corporations


The purpose of this research was to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on Los Angeles Based Community Development Corporations (CDCs) and highlight specific strategies for organizational resilience during unprecedented times. This research aimed to study the experience of Los Angeles CDCs when facing an unprecedented crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Impacts on Los Angeles Based Community Development Corporations2025-01-07T00:26:54-07:00

Opportunities for Agriculture and Solar in the Urban Fringe: the Antelope Valley as a Case Study


In this brief, the Antelope Valley is framed as an important case study that highlights the current state of California’s desert farmlands and the impact solar might have on these rural places.

Opportunities for Agriculture and Solar in the Urban Fringe: the Antelope Valley as a Case Study2025-01-07T00:26:55-07:00

Reimagining Worker Safety in a Criminalized Environment: Uplifting Sex Worker Methods of Collective Care and Harm Reduction


With the collaboration and input from the Sex Worker Outreach Project - Los Angeles, Fuentes conducted individual dialogues and art-based photo-elicitation with 13 sex workers in Los Angeles County.

Reimagining Worker Safety in a Criminalized Environment: Uplifting Sex Worker Methods of Collective Care and Harm Reduction2025-01-07T00:26:53-07:00
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