One to Four: The Market Potential of Fourplexes in California’s Single-Family Neighborhoods


An estimate of the market-feasible production if the state were to allow fourplexes on single-family parcels and analysis of how these impacts vary across regions and cities.

One to Four: The Market Potential of Fourplexes in California’s Single-Family Neighborhoods2025-01-07T00:27:00-07:00

Affordable Housing Primer


This primer will help policymakers, public officials, advocates, and other stakeholders better understand the many different types of affordable housing, what they accomplish, how they’re regulated, and who they serve.

Affordable Housing Primer2025-01-07T00:27:04-07:00

“I Would, If Only I Could” How Cities Can Use California’s Housing Element to Overcome Neighborhood Resistance to New Housing


An explanation of how city councils and planning departments can use the housing element law to increase housing supply, but find themselves constrained by neighborhood-level opposition to change.

“I Would, If Only I Could” How Cities Can Use California’s Housing Element to Overcome Neighborhood Resistance to New Housing2025-01-07T00:26:57-07:00

Housing And Community Development In California: An In-Depth Analysis of the Facts, Origins and Trends of Housing and Community Development in California


This report provides detailed analysis on where California's housing has been, where it’s at and where it’s headed when it comes to possible scenarios and policy alternatives for the future.

Housing And Community Development In California: An In-Depth Analysis of the Facts, Origins and Trends of Housing and Community Development in California2025-01-07T00:26:42-07:00

The Future of Housing and Community Development: A California 100 Report on Policies and Future Scenarios


This report examines where California's housing has been, where it’s at and where it’s headed when it comes to possible scenarios and policy alternatives for the future.

The Future of Housing and Community Development: A California 100 Report on Policies and Future Scenarios2025-01-07T00:26:42-07:00

Building Up the “Zoning Buffer”: Using Broad Upzones to Increase Housing Capacity Without Increasing Land Values


In this paper I introduce the concept of the “zoning buffer” — the gap between the existing housing stock and the maximum number of homes allowed by current zoning — and describe how it affects land values and ultimately the production and affordability of housing.

Building Up the “Zoning Buffer”: Using Broad Upzones to Increase Housing Capacity Without Increasing Land Values2025-01-07T00:26:43-07:00

By Transit, By-Right: Impacts of Housing Development Approval Processes on Transit-Supportive Density


This brief studies the relationship between transit ridership and the housing development process. Even if new multifamily housing is allowed on a site, a complicated, lengthy or unpredictable process could still discourage its production and thus, transit ridership.

By Transit, By-Right: Impacts of Housing Development Approval Processes on Transit-Supportive Density2025-01-07T00:26:43-07:00
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