The Likely Consequences of Measure S: Higher Housing Costs


While there is no shortage of debate on Measure S, the public dialogue has been relatively uninformed about the likely consequences of the Measure. Our best assessment of the available research and data leads us to conclude that if the measure passes, rents and property costs in the Los Angeles region are likely to rise faster than they are already.

The Likely Consequences of Measure S: Higher Housing Costs2024-12-05T00:26:31-07:00

Transit-Oriented Los Angeles: Envisioning an Equitable and Thriving Future Summary


This is a summary of a report that provides a conceptual framework for thinking about how more people can live and work near transit, near the major regional investments that county residents are paying for, in ways that maximize social benefits and minimize social costs.

Transit-Oriented Los Angeles: Envisioning an Equitable and Thriving Future Summary2024-12-05T00:26:28-07:00

Not Nearly Enough: California Lacks Capacity to Meet Lofty Housing Goals


Before becoming governor, Gavin Newsom set forth a bold campaign goal to construct 3.5 million new homes by 2025. This brief asks if it's possible for California to meet this lofty goal under current zoning and where this new housing will be built.

Not Nearly Enough: California Lacks Capacity to Meet Lofty Housing Goals2024-12-05T00:26:28-07:00

Transit Oriented Los Angeles: Envisioning an Equitable and Thriving Future


This report provides a conceptual framework for thinking about how more people can live and work near transit, near the major regional investments that county residents are paying for, in ways that maximize social benefits and minimize social costs.

Transit Oriented Los Angeles: Envisioning an Equitable and Thriving Future2024-12-05T00:26:28-07:00

Motivations for Growth Revolts: Discretion and Pretext as Sources of Development Conflict


Ballot box growth revolts, where residents force a referendum to restrict new development, can have longlasting repercussions for communities. Such revolts are rare, but they shed light on long-standing discontent with local land use planning that is important for policymakers and planners to acknowledge and understand.

Motivations for Growth Revolts: Discretion and Pretext as Sources of Development Conflict2024-12-05T00:26:29-07:00

Is Los Angeles Destroying Its Affordable Housing Stock to Build Luxury Apartments?


Is Los Angeles cannibalizing its affordable rental housing to make way for market-rate and luxury apartments? We looked at records for new multifamily development in Los Angeles to determine what was demolished to build new housing.

Is Los Angeles Destroying Its Affordable Housing Stock to Build Luxury Apartments?2024-12-05T00:26:30-07:00

Overcoming Opposition to New Housing


How can we reform our planning systems to increase supply on the one hand, and to reduce the unequal spatial distribution of new development on the other? Researchers at UCLA examined the tactics available to opponents of new housing development and categorized the motivations behind anti-development sentiment.

Overcoming Opposition to New Housing2024-12-05T00:26:31-07:00
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