Congested Development A Study of Traffic Delays, Access, and Economic Activity in Metropolitan Los Angeles


TTI estimated that traffic congestion cost the LA economy a staggering $13.3 billion in 2014, based on premise that moving slowly wastes time and fuel, costs that are multiplied over millions of travelers. But do such measures really capture how congestion and the conditions that give rise to it affect regional economies?

Congested Development A Study of Traffic Delays, Access, and Economic Activity in Metropolitan Los Angeles2025-01-07T00:27:21-07:00

Bolstering Mobility and Enhancing Transportation Options for Low-Income Older Adults


This study explores the travel patterns, needs, and mobility problems faced by diverse low-income, inner-city older adults in Los Angeles in order to identify solutions to their mobility challenges.

Bolstering Mobility and Enhancing Transportation Options for Low-Income Older Adults2025-01-07T00:27:17-07:00

Mode Choice and Perceptions of the Built Environment in Watts and Jordan Downs Brief


This study assesses how community members of Jordan Downs perceive issues of the built environment, and how these perceptions may influence their transportation mode choice.

Mode Choice and Perceptions of the Built Environment in Watts and Jordan Downs Brief2025-01-07T00:27:13-07:00

HopSkipDrive to the Rescue: How a Ride-Hailing Company Provides Crucial Transportation to School for Vulnerable Student Populations


The researcher analyzed HopSkipDrive’s trip data for morning trips to high school in Los Angeles County for the 2018–19 academic year to compare HopSkipDrive trips to the average Californians'.

HopSkipDrive to the Rescue: How a Ride-Hailing Company Provides Crucial Transportation to School for Vulnerable Student Populations2025-01-07T00:27:01-07:00

Meeting Travel Needs: Becoming Reacquainted with a Community’s Unmet Travel Needs Brief


The goal of this research is to identify the best practices to collect data on the unmet travel needs of a neighborhood, particularly for disadvantaged populations.

Meeting Travel Needs: Becoming Reacquainted with a Community’s Unmet Travel Needs Brief2025-01-07T00:27:02-07:00

School Transportation Equity for Vulnerable Student Populations through Ridehailing: An Analysis of HopSkipDrive and Other Trips to School in Los Angeles County


This report details several findings along three general analyses: first, contextualizing HopSkipDrive trips with broader California trends; second, analyzing sociodemographic traits of neighborhoods where HopSkipDrive trips begin; and third, comparing HopSkipDrive trips to public transit.

School Transportation Equity for Vulnerable Student Populations through Ridehailing: An Analysis of HopSkipDrive and Other Trips to School in Los Angeles County2025-01-07T00:27:03-07:00
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