2021 | Housing Initiative
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in California: How effective are new state planning efforts to reduce segregation
Project Description
This project evaluates the impact of implementation and enforcement of policies to affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH) in local planning processes across California. Using changes to California law to inform state and national fair housing policy, we evaluated the processes and outcomes of Housing Element updates in a sample of mid-sized jurisdictions, selected to capture a wide range of demographic, socioeconomic, and built environment contexts. We assessed whether and how new rules shape the potential siting of low-income and multifamily housing, local constraints to housing production and preservation, and public participation, and how impacts vary across types of jurisdictions.

Journal Article • 2024
Meaningful Action: Evaluating Local Government Plans to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing in California

Funding Source
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Research Team
Shane Phillips
PI Contact
Paavo Monkkonen