Achieving Fair Housing

People of color and other marginalized groups continue to face unequal access to housing. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 was a landmark effort to combat housing discrimination, but more than 50 years later it has yet to realize its full promise. This is particularly true of its commitment to “affirmatively further fair housing” (AFFH): to proactively foster more inclusive and less segregated communities, and to reverse the legacies of past racially discriminatory laws, policies, and actions. 

California has incorporated fair housing mandates into its statewide housing planning process, but questions remain about how to encourage cities to allow multifamily housing in their highest opportunity neighborhoods, how to deliver the substantial affordable housing needs in many communities, how to promote equitable access to social and financial capital, and how to engage in planning and community development in ways that allow existing communities to benefit from change. Meeting state and federal fair housing goals depends upon effective policy design, implementation, and enforcement.

The Randall Lewis Housing Initiative is helping answer these and other AFFH questions in California, studying reform and implementation of state fair housing programs including the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) and housing element update process, and their impact on the supply and location of multifamily and deed-restricted affordable housing.


Journal Article  • 2024

Meaningful Action: Evaluating Local Government Plans to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing in California

Report  • 2024

Lessons From California's Homekey Program: Adding Affordable Housing by Buying Market-Rate Apartment Buildings

Brief  • 2023

Fair Housing in California: Moving Forward or Spinning Wheels?

Journal Article  • 2023

Do Land Use Plans Affirmatively Further Fair Housing?


3 Results

Housing Initiative | 2021

Following the 2017 passage of Assembly Bill 686, the state of California has perhaps the most expansive approach to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) in the country. This project assesses the impact of California’s implementation and enforcement of AFFH on local planning processes. 

Access to Opportunities, Housing Initiative | 2020

Thousands of people shelter in vehicles as makeshift housing every night in Los Angeles. Vehicle living is not ideal for those who live in vehicles nor for cities, many of which have responded by enacting ordinances to make it illegal or difficult to sleep in vehicles.

Housing Initiative | 2022

More than 50 years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, households of color and other marginalized groups continue to face unequal access to housing. This two-year project will look into California’s progress in reversing long-standing patterns of segregation.