InterActions LA
InterActions LA is an annual conference showcasing evidence-based solutions to the transportation and housing challenges facing people and communities in Greater Los Angeles. Each year, speakers from outside of Los Angeles share their experiences advancing policy and program solutions in different regional contexts. These case studies are supported with demonstrated positive outcomes in program evaluations and data. At InterActions LA, the Lewis Center hopes to inspire attendees to pursue progressive change and remain optimistic about the opportunities to make a difference with their work.
Read About Previous Events
Navigating the crossroads of housing affordability, sustainable transportation in California
At the fifth annual InterActions LA, the Lewis Center brought together researchers, policymakers and community partners to discuss progress on housing and transportation goals.
How EV carsharing can drive transportation equity
Virtual conference explores electric vehicle carshare programs and their role in bridging mobility gaps for low-income households.
Cash works — so what’s next?
Experts and researchers of guaranteed income pilot programs convened to discuss how these programs have helped their local communities, and its potential application in L.A.
Virtual conference shines light on women’s transit safety issues
UCLA study finds that being a woman, identifying as LGBTQI or waiting in poorly lit areas increases the likelihood of being sexually harassed on public transit.
First conference on regional growth and equity tackles transportation and communities
During an inaugural event, the Lewis Center convened a group of experts to discuss how to leverage investments in L.A.’s transportation system to address decades-old disparities.