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Transit in Transition
The UCLA Lake Arrowhead Symposium

Friday, April 1
Covel Commons | The Grand Horizons Room

The UCLA Arrowhead Symposium: Transit in Transition reconvenes in person at UCLA on April 1, 2022 after a successful online series this past fall. We assessed the state of public transit in a time of intense uncertainty. We explored the pandemic’s impact on operations, examined the post-bailout financial landscape, discussed ongoing equity issues, and hosted a roundtable with federal officials, who relayed the Biden administration’s plans for resuscitating public transit. We closed with a look into the future: will transit ever resemble its prior self? And is a return to “normal” even preferable — or is there something to be gained from an alternate path?

At this in-person event, we will be expanding on the topics discussed during the series and working further to answer these crucial questions.

The UCLA Lewis Center is a Diamond sponsor of this event.


  • Kome Ajise, Southern California Association of Governments
  • Evelyn Blumenberg, UCLA Lewis Center for Public Policy
  • Anne Brown, University of Oregon School of Planning, Public Policy, and Management
  • Harry Campbell, The Rideshare Guy
  • Conan Cheung, LA Metro
  • Nuria Fernandez, Federal Transit Administration
  • Alyssa Haerle, Circuit
  • Michael Manville, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
  • Jessica Meaney, Investing in Place
  • Paavo Monkkonen, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
  • Jerry Nickelsburg, UCLA Anderson Forecast
  • Seleta Reynolds, Los Angeles Department of Transportation
  • Deborah Salon, Arizona State University
  • Joshua Schank, UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies
  • Susan Shaheen, UC ITS California Resilient, Innovative Mobility Initiative
  • Brian D. Taylor, UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies
  • Jacob Wasserman, UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies
  • Stephanie Wiggins, LA Metro
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