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InterActions LA 2022
Inclusive Approaches to Electric Carsharing

Friday, May 6, 2022

Electric carsharing holds enormous potential for our cities — they can provide safe, clean, and convenient ways to travel and, for those unable to afford personal vehicles, they increase access to opportunities. Over the past five years, a new wave of carsharing services supported by public funding using electric vehicles has emerged. Nonprofit models have operated at a large scale in the San Francisco Bay Area, Chicago, and elsewhere, while public and community-controlled programs are emerging in Sacramento and Los Angeles.

At this year’s InterActions LA event, we’ll hear how people have benefited from electric carsharing programs and how agencies of different types may want to get involved. Speakers will also discuss sustainable business models, operational approaches that can fill mobility gaps, and outreach strategies to ensure the programs are known to people who stand to benefit the most.


  • Evelyn Blumenberg, the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies
  • Seleta Reynolds, LADOT
  • Fedolia “Sparky” Harris, City of Sacramento
  • Caroline Rodier, UC David Institute of Transportation Studies
  • Abigail Solis, Self-Help Enterprises
  • Karla Velasco, the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles
  • Creighton Randall, Mobility Development Group
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