About Claudia Bustamante

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So far Claudia Bustamante has created 13 blog entries.

New transportation postdoc looks for human stories in urban planning research


Sang-O Kim works at the intersection of travel behavior, aging populations, and gender, drawing on his multicultural background and mixed-method approach to study how transportation solutions can help residents get the most out of the cities they live in.

New transportation postdoc looks for human stories in urban planning research2025-02-13T11:17:49-07:00

Lewis Center student fellow wins national award for research on improving transportation access to health care


Nataly Rios Gutierrez MURP '22 won the 2023 Neville A. Parker Award for best master's project in policy and planning.

Lewis Center student fellow wins national award for research on improving transportation access to health care2023-08-29T15:03:38-07:00

Episode 35: Landlord Regulation and Unintended Consequences with Meredith Greif


How do we respond when regulations intended to help vulnerable tenants end up disadvantaging them even further? Professor Greif joins us to discuss these unintended consequences, asking us to consider the trade-offs inherent in many of our policy decisions.

Episode 35: Landlord Regulation and Unintended Consequences with Meredith Greif2023-08-27T13:36:13-07:00

Narrow sidewalks, high speed limits restrict L.A. outdoor dining opportunities


To help restaurants and neighborhoods hardest hit by COVID-19, LA Al Fresco relaxed many outdoor dining processes — but two years later, wealthier and majority-white neighborhoods have highest participation.

Narrow sidewalks, high speed limits restrict L.A. outdoor dining opportunities2023-08-29T15:06:29-07:00

UCLA scholars publish reports on future of California housing, transportation


To help envision a better future for the state, UCLA researchers released two reports on the future of housing and transportation, made possible by a California 100 grant.

UCLA scholars publish reports on future of California housing, transportation2023-08-29T15:06:33-07:00

Episode 11: COVID-19 and Renter Distress with Mike Manville and Paavo Monkkonen


The pandemic has been tough on many renters, with job and income losses piled on top of housing insecurity. The UCLA Lewis Center’s Mike Manville and Paavo Monkkonen join to discuss two recent surveys of LA County renters.

Episode 11: COVID-19 and Renter Distress with Mike Manville and Paavo Monkkonen2023-10-10T13:31:57-07:00
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